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Suhrita Ganguly named Hale Middle School Teacher of the Year

Suhrita Ganguly has been selected as the 2022-2023 Hale Middle School Teacher of the Year!

Suhrita has taught 8th grade science at Hale Middle School for ten years. 

"I started working at Tulsa Public Schools in 2011 as a substitute for a few months while working on my certification. I got certified in biological science in 2012 and continued teaching at Tulsa Public Schools. I fell in love with their mission, vision, beliefs, and values, and that really had a big impact on me. I really wanted to be a part of this amazing team!"

She said Hale's core values of respect, accountability, and perseverance makes for a great learning environment. 

"I love teaching science as it encourages inquisitiveness and creativity and broadens our perspectives. It provides hands-on experiences for different types of learners. I also believe science increases student’s understanding on how and why things work and makes them realize the true potential of everything around us."

Suhrita said her passion for teaching started in 7th grade when she was taught by one of the best teachers in her school. 

"Her way of teaching and ability to generate enthusiasm among students on science and technology was an inspiration for all of us and had a deep impact on me. Right from the onset, she taught us the importance of education and the power of knowledge and how it shapes us and our future," she explained. "Her powerful words and her simplicity ignited the curiosity in me to learn science, and I wanted to follow her footsteps as an educator."

She said her favorite part of being a teacher is sharing knowledge with her student and helping them be the best version of themselves.

"By communicating with them daily, providing them an environment which encourages creativity, inquisitiveness, and trust and motivates them to acquire knowledge.I feel they are better prepared to take on challenges as they grow and become adults," she said.

"I continuously strive to create an equitable space for all my learners so they can achieve their best.  As an educator, I firmly believe it is my job to help raise empathetic, confident, and humble young people with an undying curiosity about the world around them. Most of all, I focus on creating a safe space in the classroom that celebrates diversity and inclusion. Maya Angelou once said, 'I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.' That statement has and will always inspire me for years to come!"